Where I talk about my upcoming vacation

I woke up this morning thinking today was Friday. This is not uncommon, but, considering my plans for next week, it was doubly rough. See, next week, I’ll be on vacation — during those times that I’m used to sitting in a cubicle, or on a conference call, or wondering why I’m all alone in… Continue reading Where I talk about my upcoming vacation

Where I reflect on the direction of my blog and what makes me visit other blogs

Around the corner is #BlogHer12, and I’m going. I’m quite excited to be going, in fact . . . yes, BlogHer markets themselves, rightfully, toward women — but it’s “the event” for bloggers to head to. Knowing that a good portion of the bloggers whose places I frequent will be at an event, that’s well… Continue reading Where I reflect on the direction of my blog and what makes me visit other blogs