Rain, Rain Go Away

So – I was all prepared for a ride into work today . . . and then it spent all night raining. It’s still raining now. While I’m not opposed to biking in through the rain, I do not have the appropriate gear to fend off a constant downpour. I may have such gear in… Continue reading Rain, Rain Go Away

Did It!

Ok, so I did it. While I didn’t make the 42 miles, that was more an issue of the temperature (55° Fahrenheit) than the actual distance. The big thing is that I made it up the mountain at Waggoner’s Gap without incident — and, I mean, I made it up pretty easily . . .… Continue reading Did It!

And here we go!

So, I’m starting this thing. I need SOMETHING to keep me motivated as I ride. I’ve actually been quite pleased with my own ability to get out on the road, but I think if I have this, my number-crunching OCD side will be more eager to ride. So, on here, look for my daily ride… Continue reading And here we go!