I’m Defective

There are Twitter memes that work their way around…#randomfactsaboutme #100factsaboutme #ttymomnkab (ten things you may or may not know about me), and I’ve somehow managed to avoid all of them. Well, except for #moobie / #boobiewed because, let’s face it, I’m a bit of an exhibitionist. I love reading these from other people, but despite… Continue reading I’m Defective

As the train approached

I was certain he had a family. As the train approached, I saw his face. I recognized him. Normally, he worked the morning shift, speaking his “good morning” and dictating the next stop in that heavy West African accent of his. You know, that type of accent that you can’t help but smile and relax… Continue reading As the train approached

Introduction & Reinvention

I’ve been having a lot of issues trying to find my blogging self. I mean, I’m not really entirely sure who I truly am in real life, then when I try to figure out who I am as ones & zeroes? Yeah, not exactly easy. I’ve been blogging for years, really trying to focus on… Continue reading Introduction & Reinvention