I’m Defective

There are Twitter memes that work their way around…#randomfactsaboutme #100factsaboutme #ttymomnkab (ten things you may or may not know about me), and I’ve somehow managed to avoid all of them. Well, except for #moobie / #boobiewed because, let’s face it, I’m a bit of an exhibitionist. I love reading these from other people, but despite… Continue reading I’m Defective

An Ode

The anticipation is like nothing else. Just the thought will put my mind on nothing else. I become focused – I must have. Nothing else will do. I need to hold, to touch. I need the feeling against my fingers. My breathing becomes faster, but shallower. My heart rate quickens. My eyes won’t focus. I… Continue reading An Ode

Pep-Talk Tuesday: Staring Down a Marathon

I actually don’t need much of a pep talk right now, but since I’m writing about an upcoming event and what I’m doing, physically, there might be some who get all inspired-like, and it’s Tuesday, so we’ll go with that kind of a post. I’m firmly in the “taper period” prior to the Sunday marathon.… Continue reading Pep-Talk Tuesday: Staring Down a Marathon

Introduction & Reinvention

I’ve been having a lot of issues trying to find my blogging self. I mean, I’m not really entirely sure who I truly am in real life, then when I try to figure out who I am as ones & zeroes? Yeah, not exactly easy. I’ve been blogging for years, really trying to focus on… Continue reading Introduction & Reinvention