I’m having a phenomenally bad day at work today — I had to make a call to kill a project which not only means work made toward the project may have all been wasted, but it also means that, moving forward, I likely have a *lot* more work. It’s a bad enough day that I’m… Continue reading Where sanity and vanity conflict
Category: Parties
Where bullet points quell the silence
We just had my daughter’s fifth birthday party (her actual birthday is this coming weekend, but we held the party when we could maximize attendance). I’m still coming to grips with the fact that I have two five year olds. There are two human beings, of whom I am fully responsible. And they’re both five… Continue reading Where bullet points quell the silence
Where I reflect on life and death and living
As a general rule, I take every Friday the 13th off as a personal day. When I first started these “holidays,” the hope was to sit in bed, drink myself silly during the day, and watch a marathon of the titallitating adventures of Jason Vorhees and/or Jason’s Mom and their implementation of creative (though controversial)… Continue reading Where I reflect on life and death and living
Where I geek my way into a fun weekend.
It started with an NPR story. I was on my way to work & they talked about a day-long party where all of the Lord of The Rings movies would be played where everybody would eat like Hobbits. Seriously, it seemed right up my alley. I filed the story in my memory banks, thought about… Continue reading Where I geek my way into a fun weekend.