Where I look at 2017 Resolutions

So 2016 is coming to an end. And I say good riddance. There is no shortage of things which leave me happy for new beginnings: the election results, Prince’s unexpected death, the election, the arrest of a friend, Donald Fucking Trump, Carrie Fisher.

But when I look at why I’m disappointed in 2016, I’m realizing that I am upset over a bunch of shit that I had absolutely no control over. And because I let those things consume me, I let things in my life go on, unchecked. I’ve gained 15 pounds since The New York Marathon. I’ve decided that it was easier to have a few glasses of wine & not worry about thinking than confront a bunch of stuff which was on my mind. I’ve chosen not to work out time and time again because I was sore or tired or “just didn’t have time,” when I should have just re-programmed what I was doing. Time and time again, I found myself choosing take-out instead of cooking.

So, 2017, I’m focusing on the stuff I am in charge of. My country might be falling to shit around me. The grim reaper will take who he declares “it’s their time.” I cannot control if someone I thought was a friend is making decisions which are . . . far from ok1.

I am in charge of what I put into my body. So every weekend, I will map out my meals for the week. I will give myself one point for making the menu, and then one point for every day that I adhere to the menu. For any day that I know I’ll need to eat on the road, or pick up something, I’ll even account for that. I will LOSE a point if I skip accurately logging a meal before I eat it. (8 possible points)

I am in charge keeping my body strong and hale. When I plan out my menu, I will plan my workouts for the week. Every week, I will introduce something new – I will progressively plan. I fucking want to be able to maintain a handstand, and do a muscle-up, and run a four-hour marathon (without feeling like death at the end). I’ll get a point for making my week’s plan, I’ll get a point for every day I adhere to the plan. I’ll LOSE a point if I’m dealing with injury or insane schedule and NOT program some alternate. I’ll gain 3 points for any week where I log my weight and blood pressure every day of the week. (11 possible points)

I am in charge of my writing. There are three creative pursuits I’m working on: a novel, a musical, and my two blogs. Every week, I will plan out and write posts. I’ll get one point for every time I post. I will NOT get a point if I post what wasn’t planned. I will get a point for any day which I make progress on either my novel or musical or in working toward learning a new musical instrument (max of one point per day). (11 possible points)

I am in charge of my finances. As I plan out my menu & workout, I’ll set the budget for the week. I track every single purchase. I’ll get five points when my spending is less than what I’ve set out. I’ll lose a point if I find a truly gratuitous purchase – even if that purchase was for the children. (5 possible points)

Every week, I’ll tweet how many points I’ve given myself under the #DRALChallenge. I’ll tweet my weight and average blood pressure at the end of the week. I’ll log it all.

I’ll aim for 500 points throughout the year.

I’ll check in, regularly, here, as I might tweak the points based on where I’m succeeding and where I’m lacking.

What about you? What things are you in charge of, in your life? What choices can you make to make yourself more healthy, more happy, more confident?

1 You know, though, it’s fucking hard to make a new friend as an adult. So this whole episode has sucked. But I need to stop treating myself as a victim. It sucks, I need to move on.


  1. I fucking feel you here. I’m taking back my life, too. Putting my energy into things I can affect. Gaining perspective on those I cannot.

    I’m also going to be filling a jar with all the good things that happen, day by day. Month by month. Somehow, I think the end of the year will be better, when I have so many wonderful memories to remember.

  2. Happy new year old friend … wishing you a great one, and much success in your goals.
    Sadly … with the political climate … I see little chance of cutting back on the wine 😉

  3. I am in charge of nothing but myself. 2016 was a crazy, sucky, busy year. But there were some good things. Teaching was awesome.
    But I decided 2017 was going to included my work to make the world better.

  4. Did I know you were writing a novel?!?

    I realize you talked about a lot of other things, but I can’t let that one go by without saying HOW CAN I HELP?

    Writing a novel is so so so hard. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to support you. We’re all in this together, man.

    I’m here for you.

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