Where updates come in the form of bullet points

I remember, in the 8th grade, my English teacher mentioning that she always found it funny when kids said that they were “too busy” to do their homework. It wasn’t that kids didn’t get busy, she contended, but that truly busy people figured out how to get everything done. I’m finding that I’m spending a… Continue reading Where updates come in the form of bullet points

Where I try to make bullet points the new black

I have absolutely no idea why people are looking to replace black, ever. But I also have no idea why it’s frowned upon to wear white shoes, or pants or undergarments, or hats, after flag day. I’m very particular about my grammar, word choice, and punctuation. For the most part, this makes me a better… Continue reading Where I try to make bullet points the new black

Where stream of consciousness Tuesday makes a repeat performance

I can’t raise my left-arm above my head without wincing. So I should just stop trying to do that. We went out to dinner with another couple last night, there were no kids present. After the normal pleasantries & talk of our jobs, we talked about Doctor Who, and Song of Ice & Fire .… Continue reading Where stream of consciousness Tuesday makes a repeat performance

Where Angela runs around these here parts while listening to her husband’s playlist

I am on vacation — and as a series of quasi-coherent posts about how wonderful my family is, and how beautiful the beach is, and how drunk I might be at a time that would normally be a completely inappropriate time for me to be drunk might not go over all that well, I have… Continue reading Where Angela runs around these here parts while listening to her husband’s playlist