Where I force the disjointed thoughts out of my head

There has been minimal-to-no bounceback from the weight-loss when I was sick. Therefore, I’m claiming that most of the weight-loss was more-related to my lack of alcohol than the actual sickness. There were a shit-ton of hyphens in that first bullet point. After drinking far too much over the camping weekend, I’m giving my liver… Continue reading Where I force the disjointed thoughts out of my head

Where I classify myself as injury prone

I am not a graceful person. When I do yoga, it’s an exercise in me not falling down and trying to avoid farting while hiding the erection that I’ll inevitably get during corpse pose. I’ve been told that I have a near-perfect running posture, but, well, when I run, it feels like I’m a set… Continue reading Where I classify myself as injury prone

Where I relax and just type what crosses my mind

I’ve managed at least one visit to the same gym for the past 21 weeks. I think this deserves some kind of special award. I’m trying to cut back on caffeine. I’m failing miserably. I, however, have cut way back on alcohol intake . . . but I worry that the primary reason for this… Continue reading Where I relax and just type what crosses my mind

Where I recount my past weekend

This past weekend was Easter weekend — well, I guess, the past two weekends were Easter weekend. See, my wife is Greek Orthodox, and as such, I’m heavily involved with the Greek Orthodox church in our community1. In fact, I’m the cathedral organist2. Since the orthodox calendar is different than the “western calendar” when it… Continue reading Where I recount my past weekend

Where I say “happy anniversary” in the only way I know how

Eight years ago, today, I dun’ got myself hitched. And, well, I wrote this little diddy for my wife. I was going to do something like this for the 10th anniversary . . . but, 8 is a totally under-appreciated number. Happy Anniversary, boo. I have spent the last few months, trying to put to… Continue reading Where I say “happy anniversary” in the only way I know how

Where I relive my absolute favorite memory

First, we had MamaKat’s prompt – define your Seven Wonders of the World. I read MamaKat’s blog every now & then, but well, life has been especially crazy as of late, and I never got a chance to play along with her linkup. And, honestly, I’m not sure what all seven of mine would be… Continue reading Where I relive my absolute favorite memory