Where a tired mind makes for a disjointed post

This is tech-week for Bat Boy: the Musical. I’m playing bass, but, with the way the theatre is laid out, I actually can’t see what’s going on, on-stage, at all. So I really don’t know what the heck is going on, I just see randomness with people backstage. In no particular order, this show involves:… Continue reading Where a tired mind makes for a disjointed post

Where I answer the questions that I’m commonly asked at the gym

Maybe it’s because I smile a lot. Or maybe it’s because I seem to be there with a mission (giving the impression that I know what I’m doing). Or maybe I have the type of body that people are trying for (see first question below). Whatever the reason, a lot of people have started asking… Continue reading Where I answer the questions that I’m commonly asked at the gym

Where I beat back the weather with bullet points

I hate the dreadmill treadmill. Not only do I get incredibly bored when I run on it, but, every time I log significant miles running without going anywhere, my left knee/foot goes numb and then hurts for a week aftward. So I don’t run on the dreadmill. But I do love to run . .… Continue reading Where I beat back the weather with bullet points

Where I blather on about my health goals for the next year

I freely admit that I don’t post here nearly as much as I should. We will blame lack of time & lack of subject material — sure, the kids are as diabolical awesome as ever, but life keeps me so busy that, by the time I can sit down to write about the last awesome… Continue reading Where I blather on about my health goals for the next year

Where I dust off the blogging cobwebs with bullet points

At one time, I thought I was busy — then I became a parent. However, over the busiest weekend I ever remember having, I barely saw my own kids. Friday, I worked & played a show. Saturday, I woke, ran a Zombie 5k, played an alumni concert with my college jazz band, played a show,… Continue reading Where I dust off the blogging cobwebs with bullet points

Where updates come in the form of bullet points

I remember, in the 8th grade, my English teacher mentioning that she always found it funny when kids said that they were “too busy” to do their homework. It wasn’t that kids didn’t get busy, she contended, but that truly busy people figured out how to get everything done. I’m finding that I’m spending a… Continue reading Where updates come in the form of bullet points

Where I plant a garden

Growing up, the routine was always the same. Mother’s Day, we’d go to church, head out to buy plants & vegetables, plant what was purchased, and then head out for dinner. After my parents’ divorce, the routine stayed much the same – I’d give my mom my services on Mother’s Day – weed her garden,… Continue reading Where I plant a garden