Where bullet points quell the silence

We just had my daughter’s fifth birthday party (her actual birthday is this coming weekend, but we held the party when we could maximize attendance). I’m still coming to grips with the fact that I have two five year olds. There are two human beings, of whom I am fully responsible. And they’re both five… Continue reading Where bullet points quell the silence

Where I process this past weekend

A long time ago, I started a blog specifically to chronicle my cycling. Then it turned into “how I was going to get myself healthy.” It didn’t take long, however, for me to start writing to “keep the crazy at bay.” I don’t write here as much as I once did, mostly because I find… Continue reading Where I process this past weekend

Where I let out some of the random spilling about my head

I wish I held the ability to think of something and, like Elsa, “let it go.” But, once my mind hits “I think I should…” or “what would it take to…”, well, I have to, at least, think through whatever my brain stumbled upon. I listened to Nick Offerman’s recording of Paddle Your Own Canoe1,… Continue reading Where I let out some of the random spilling about my head

Where I get older

I shave my head. I do this not because it’s the “cool thing to do1,” but because I chose a preemptive strike against male pattern baldness. Also, I suffered from horrible scalpne and “letting my scalp breathe” appears to have fixed things. My beard is speckled with white. Lots and lots and lots of white.… Continue reading Where I get older

Where random wins the day

I’ve never been a good one for “being at rest,” but lately, things have been a bit out of control. My muscles will scream in soreness from me pushing them during workouts — yet, if I have an hour to myself? I feel the need to run. Or ride my bike. Or something active. Normally,… Continue reading Where random wins the day

Where a tired mind makes for a disjointed post

This is tech-week for Bat Boy: the Musical. I’m playing bass, but, with the way the theatre is laid out, I actually can’t see what’s going on, on-stage, at all. So I really don’t know what the heck is going on, I just see randomness with people backstage. In no particular order, this show involves:… Continue reading Where a tired mind makes for a disjointed post

Where I let the random fly

I ate like crap over the weekend. Between friends coming over, and the Super Bowl, and it being February1, I splurged. A lot. So, I’m declaring the scale my mortal enemy. I can’t believe there used to be a time that I was really worried about CJ’s speech. While CJ started walking very early, he… Continue reading Where I let the random fly

Where I relax and just type what crosses my mind

I’ve managed at least one visit to the same gym for the past 21 weeks. I think this deserves some kind of special award. I’m trying to cut back on caffeine. I’m failing miserably. I, however, have cut way back on alcohol intake . . . but I worry that the primary reason for this… Continue reading Where I relax and just type what crosses my mind

Where I remind myself that scale only reports a number

I have a confession for all of y’all. No, it’s not that I’ve allowed my vision to stray while someone, with ample cleavage, bent over in front of me1. It’s not that I’ve gone a long time without sitting down to read an actual book, instead doing my “reading” through audiobooks (I admit this, freely… Continue reading Where I remind myself that scale only reports a number