Where me put fancy word things to brain burps

I’m tired, and it’s cold, and my life has been a bit crazy, so anything fancier than bullet points won’t ever get published. It’s really freaking cold – so cold that one of my dogs, the other day, when I started getting ready to take the dogs for a walk, said “meh,” and decided to… Continue reading Where me put fancy word things to brain burps

Where stream of consciousness Tuesday makes a repeat performance

I can’t raise my left-arm above my head without wincing. So I should just stop trying to do that. We went out to dinner with another couple last night, there were no kids present. After the normal pleasantries & talk of our jobs, we talked about Doctor Who, and Song of Ice & Fire .… Continue reading Where stream of consciousness Tuesday makes a repeat performance

Where I just write whatever the heck comes to mind

It’s snowing, so I’m using that as an excuse to bring out the bullet points. Again. Because that’s what I do. I ran a Turkey Trot 10k over Thanksgiving. Why, oh why, in a packed race, where there are clearly delimited starting areas for runners of every speed, would you choose to walk, while pushing… Continue reading Where I just write whatever the heck comes to mind

Where I ponder if you’re pondering what I’m pondering

Just some random ponderings for a Monday… As someone who found himself with a want for wine and none in the house yesterday, how did any libation maker stay in business in Harry Potter? With the refilling charm, what was to keep someone from buying a single bottle of “the good stuff” and never buy… Continue reading Where I ponder if you’re pondering what I’m pondering

Where I look ahead to playing a few days as a single dad

I’m looking at a few nights alone with the kids. While I’d never, ever, choose to be a single parent, and while I’m scared to admit it, I’m actually really looking forward to it. Daddy / kid time doesn’t happen a whole lot . . . just like I fear each of the kids has… Continue reading Where I look ahead to playing a few days as a single dad

Where I recap blogher far too quickly

After this weekend, my mind is one crazy maze of post ideas . . . but before I can start converting those ideas from a random firing synapses to words, I wanted to give a quick run-down of my time this weekend (note that I’m saying “quick run down,” but I’ll probably have written several… Continue reading Where I recap blogher far too quickly

Where I force the disjointed thoughts out of my head

There has been minimal-to-no bounceback from the weight-loss when I was sick. Therefore, I’m claiming that most of the weight-loss was more-related to my lack of alcohol than the actual sickness. There were a shit-ton of hyphens in that first bullet point. After drinking far too much over the camping weekend, I’m giving my liver… Continue reading Where I force the disjointed thoughts out of my head

Where I dust off this old blog of mine

I’m tired (for reasons which will soon be exposed), so we’ll go bullet point style, again1 I woke up at 4 this morning to take a conference call. I’m part of a large project, with a strict, quickly-approaching deadline, and the person who is leading the project is in the UK — so a 4:30… Continue reading Where I dust off this old blog of mine

Where I relax and just type what crosses my mind

I’ve managed at least one visit to the same gym for the past 21 weeks. I think this deserves some kind of special award. I’m trying to cut back on caffeine. I’m failing miserably. I, however, have cut way back on alcohol intake . . . but I worry that the primary reason for this… Continue reading Where I relax and just type what crosses my mind

Where I sit back and let the crazy fly

Pollen can suck a bag of dicks. Seriously – I haven’t felt right for the past two weeks, and I’m fully blaming allergies. My band (with the rhythm guitarist who does not have cancer after all, thank heavens) has a gig on Saturday night — our practices have been really good as of late, so… Continue reading Where I sit back and let the crazy fly